interesting linux tricks part 2: building on memory mappings to hijack running processes
2023-11-12 by:
From: ------------------------------------------------------ In my previous post I showed you how to use memory mappings exposed by the /proc file system to view the memory of a running process you already can access. # Injection using memory maps In this post, I build on that concept to show you a project and my example project that uses it, to run an arbitrary payload in an environment where you shouldn't # DDexec A security researcher, Yugo, developed this POC, written in shell script, to show how to read in an arbitrary file, decode the execution metadata, inject it into the current process (the shell), and run it. I wrote an example exploration of this project, using read-only containers. # What's it do? I've explained a lot in the project, but in a nutshell: If you have podman or docker installed, run the script. It will create a read-only container that has anything writable (like /tmp) mounted as "noexec" which means you are unable to run binaries directly. It will download the ddexec script from Yago. Then it will feed a sample "rogue" application from the internet to ddexec. The rogue application will display tux the penguin saying you're hacked. (It's just text.) Oh, and it will do all of this without actually downloading anything to the file system. # Why you should care: The Impact None of this is surprising or novel by itself. A non-root user can execute programs. They can manipulate processes they started and own. A root user can do the same, except to any process on the system. This is normal. What is not normal is having the ability to execute a program on a system where you shouldn't: read only and no execute. Combined with other weaknesses, this type of attack could be used to commandeer workloads, to launch other reconnaissance against your network from a trusted application, or to poison data, record your customer activity or more. It's flawed to think a single technology can protect our networks. Read only, no execute environments should be immune to this attack, but they are not. That's a big impact. It's also a cautionary tale, that we should be utilizing a layered approach to security, and treat things that interact with the public as "untrusted." Let me know if you find this interesting! I have more (hopefully interesting) projects coming soon! --b